Friday, May 23, 2008

The Pain of walking

I went to Home Depot with the Mrs BB to pick out new counter tops to work towards finishing the kitchen and a lovely arguement started, it wasn't pretty and I ended up walking home the 5 miles or so. Wasn't easy, ended up blistering the shit outta my feet, but it will heal.
Here are some of the scenes on my way home.

It was easy for most to pass me, gimp leg and all that.

Left in the Dust... I'M SLOOOOOOOOWWW

An OASIS on my path home.. shade just ahead, it was 97 degrees out that day, so it was really nice to get some shade.

MMMMMM my reward to self that night... and a pin to release the blisters and alchohol wipes, yeah disgusting, but wow what a relief


TheDiva Rockin said...

Ouch BB!

Boulderdash Ballyhoo said...

Yes, ouch indeed, but the ol leg injury really didnt hurt much, more the feet, so I'm happy about that. I think I will be walking fine in a week or two.