Thursday, May 29, 2008

Base jumper

I had a really really really bad day Wed and I went to bed early (before 9pm) in an effort to relax and hopefully rid myself of the massive headache I had acheived from todays super stresses. I awoke at 3.30 am and got myself up to date on the few shows I watch on TV via the DVR, how ironic that it was the show "Deathnote" after my events that follow, I had not watched it in a month. I also gave up SL today, so I needed a fitting way to end my AV. No these thoughts don't carry into RL but it was amusing and let me blow off some steam. I've been on SL every day/night for over 30 days. I suppose I am burned out on it in many ways and even too much of a good thing can sour one on it's appeal. I think I'm done using as an escape. I had some fun and met some nice people, hats off to those who put up with me there.
I am tired of sitting in my chair hour after hour waiting for the healing in my leg to get well enough to leave the chair without causing more damages. All seemed to be going well lately and have even spent the last few days without my brace. I did have a minor setback the day before when I finally felt well enough to go outside and work in the garden. Stooopid idea, I thought I could get away with not having to squat down by using a cbs blocks for a temporary seat low to the ground. I was wrong, you pretty much have to squat and crawl to get at the weeds, especially when transplanting and moving things about. I paid for it later that night when the pain in my leg got me again, so back on the Darvocet for at that night only so far. God I hate being on that shit. Sure it feels good because the pain stops, well hell most things stop when on this stuff, I get a bit loopy and say things I am thinking much easier and probably make an ass of myself. Others have told me that it really messes them up. I don't feel that way, it helps with the pain a lot and I feel a little spacey but other than coming down and feeling like all gravity is pulling on me I don't get too bad. Now if I mix it with a Soma, that's a different story. Thank god I don't drink.
It's now 6.45am on thursday and I'm posting this..

I have to go back into SL to take out what I have left rez'd where I have been calling home lately, maybe I can transfer it to someone else, I have to check.

Flew up to highest point I could find.
Looking down before jumping..

The jump..
The fall at the falls (pun?)
That wasn't much, there was water below, maybe a broken leg at most.
So I needed something more effective to kill me..
I found a lift ship and took me way up...
I thought it would take forever to fall.... I made no sound
Just listening to the wind blow, kinda peaceful really
After what felt like an eternity I finally saw the end coming.

Not much was identifiable after hitting the ground at
such high speeds..
So I guess there are ways to kill a virtual charactor.. perhaps one day I will find out if one can resurect as well..


Kat, the Library Ninja! said...

Boulder, ummm....

TheDiva Rockin said...

*sobs*...but what about the primmie I hadn't yet told you about?
You can't leave me! CAN'T! *shakes your lifeless guts*