Thursday, May 8, 2008

Confession of an ealry blogger

It's good to be back in the world of blogging, public diary, open mail or whatever the NOW word for expressing what one feels is important while spewing it into the air of the non private sector of life. Well that's a lie, it's not good to be back. It's been many years since I wrote anything over 200 words that wasnt some silly fantasy creative writing or a complaint letter to some self obsessed corporate giant. After all we did this back many years ago throught the 80's and 90's and we called them BBS's back then. I ran one with the help of a friend, well that's not really the way it was, he paid for the software and I ran it. We had fun back then when the world wasn't so small. Phone charges being what they were you didn't call much outside your own area code so things were pretty local. That was a point in life I feel I had the most fun with the social networking via text. I did so much of it way back then that I really have not felt the need to say anything more as I said enough back then and I moved on to new experiences.

The virtual world has caught my attention of late and in less than half a year I have found myself digging deeper into the simulated relm of second life. The networking, the music, the eye candy of well prepared sims and yes even the slex (ok I know what you're thinking and no it's not an ongoing thing for me, I did it, so now it's not a curiosity anymore, a pitty it costed so much to get to that point and now I really don't care about it)

But back on track to the point of this little statement of mine, it seems the idea of blogging to some is nothing more than a way to reach out to friends and say hello and not express anything in general. (a blog about nothing?) While others have turned blogging into a means of expressing themselves openly in public forums in some form of idealogy that their blog will change the world. If it makes them happy then I guess I can't complain. However the idea of posting what used to be called A DIARY on an open website confuses me. For thousands of years the private diary was, well, private, something that no one ever wanted anyone else to read. Perhaps many wrote them as a way of rememberance for those of us who remained behind after their death but these used to be PRIVATE for one reason or another. I am not saying bloggin is wrong, the idea of blogging is interesting and stimulating when used in the right situations but some people seem to take these things too seriously which is true of all facets of life but some just get out of hand. From religous banter to terrorist statements blogging is a way for many to feel that they can change the world by reaching out to the idea that EVERYONE will read my postings. But the fact is that one of my favorite shirts says it best "More people have read this shirt than your blog". But people keep doing it and keep thinking that : if you write it, they will come. So far my return has been fun for the most part, has become a fav of mine since it's limted to only 140 charactors per blog (twitt) and it does keep things moving and creativity is usually high becuase no one can keep going on and on about whatever they feel is so damned important that a novelesque sized posting is what the world needs. But what it comes down to is I dont really want to know who you thought should be dating whoever or that your mothers new boyfriend is cheating or the like. Keep the parties involved up to date, no need to spread it out all over the globe. I guess it feeds into the feeling of self importance, after all, we all want to be liked and feel others care. But let's all spend a moment and ask wether or not the public really needs to know what you are bout to spew forth or better yet come up with something creative. Take a look at hollyweird they are really lacking in the dept. and could use some help.

So while this one was a little harsh towards some I will add that these types of confessions will be few and I will tend to stick with my favorite way of writing ie: fast short serial stories. The briefness of speed dating mixed in with creative writing. In fact one of my goals is to start a site that allows people to add to a story line with a limited amount of space per post/user that has a time limit so you cant sit there all day.

Until next time my flock, be spiritual but dont be a blind cow either

The Bishop Boulderdash Ballyhoo

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