Friday, February 6, 2009

Managment vs Reality and getting the job done

It is said that Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement. But as we all know bad management never learns from mistakes since they don't know any better nor do they care. For many its not a career as much as its only a J.O.B. to them, the [i'm just here for the paycheck attitude]. I've seen it, you've seen it, hell we have all seen it including the ones guilty of it.

Bad management is rampant in this economy and it shows. Even today the news breaking of a wall street prostitute scandal. Granted it was from before the bailout but indeed why was the bailout required int the first place? Because when companies were busy paying $300,000 a year for sexual favors they were busy not paying attention to anything else they were throwing money at. When your eyes roll back in your head from the Ecstasy you don't have a care in the world.

What I am getting at is the penny counting ways of management to make decisions for the future of a company solely on the fact of costs. The costs now are not the issue as much as the way of doing business or solving problems which is where the problems are in our country from small to large and throughout the local to Fed level GOV departments lye. Stupid purchases can be eliminated first and foremost and is an easy quick fix for most companies but when you have problem solving issues that border on the absurd you have to wonder who the idiot was that OK'd he solution. For example: The typical stupid answer to an existing problem for many mangers is to replace entire items or personnel when its the way they were instructed that is the problem and not the human conducting the repair. It has been said that management ideals for repair responses are as such:
Client is standing there pounding a dead parrot on the counter, and the management response is to frantically swap in new counters to see if that fixes the problem. When that doesn't work they put in some sort of sound deadening material on the counters.
Its this utter nonsense of responses that wastes everyones money and time and in the end costs jobs when the company looses money for poor service.

I see the same thing all year long when a server or system goes down because the hard drive failed. The management thought that spending 300-1000 dollars back when they set it all up was too much to add to the expenses. So now that the entire staff of 50 people are sitting on their asses getting paid to do nothing. Then my hourly fees to try to recover the data and get them back up and running are added to the pot. The average drive recovery costs 800-1200 dollars for a simple data save of 1 drive under 250G. So there I am spending up to 36 hours to restore a server after a serious hard drive crash because of no backup of any kind. Yes 2 Days on site for a repair and all 8 locations where offline during it. I can't imagine what it costs them past my $3000 invoice for lost income from employee costs. So after all that what was the solution they agreed on? Tape drive, cheapest. Which has a major fail point, humans, required to change the tape everyday, I can bet it doesn't happen.

Short rant for the new year
just had to get that out there

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