Saturday, January 23, 2010

Boulderdash Ballyhoo's Rantings: 2010 Devolution Resolution or What I did up to the end of the past year

Boulderdash Ballyhoo's Rantings: 2010 Devolution Resolution or What I did up to the end of the past year

2010 Devolution Resolution or What I did up to the end of the past year

Well here it is, another new year with plenty to look forward to such as more houses being reclaimed by banks, more people filing for bankruptcy from lost jobs, higher divorce rates, self included, and even more cars with donut wheels on the highway endangering everyone around them with certain death when it explodes from overheating because they can't afford a new regular tire, it's not looking good out there at all.

As for ole' Boulder, well I'm actually doing a bit better as of late. After a bit of falling down the stairs of life (you know me and stairs, never a good mix) I hit the bottom floor and after a bit of healing and rethinking of things I worked hard and got a few dollars in my pocket and paid a new immigrant to the US to carry me up those stairs on his back. Nothing says America like another white man riding atop the backs of immigrants

Boulder feels old:
I have finally reached old guy status, sure I've had the grey hair and the unfortunate typical over 40 gut growing, i do love food, but now i have to use reading glasses. I scoffed at the idea over a year ago when I had the horrible experience with the opto chick who plucked one of my contacts out of my eye without asking, yes, she just reached up to my eyeball and pulled it out, I'm pretty much scarred for life from that, i mean WTF? Anyway, not only did she do that, but she put me in the most damned expensive contacts which never worked correctly. Weekly wear for a discounted $90 per box with 4 lenses per box, min order of 4 boxes. That equates to $180 per month for lenses, more if one goes bad early, so screw that. So i gave up on contacts and went glasses for most of the year. Just recently I switched to a new Doc and he and I are like two peas in a pod on what I need. My sight is great for reading my car dash and pretty much have 15/10 so distance isn't an issue anymore. [Get this tho, the new lenses, are good for 1 to 2 weeks, and come 6 in a box for as little as $24, that's more like it vs the old Dr lens plucker's choice.] Up close now I HAVE to use reading glasses to see anything under arms length, such is the elderly project of life. I did find some frames I really liked and feel they look really good on me, foster grant sells them at Walgreens for $20, but here's were the ol' guy comes in, so i see them and like them, but as i walked through the store i find an end isle sale of the same glasses, minus the FG labels, for 2 for $6, of course the ones I want are not in the magnification I require. But now that I've seen them for so little, I will not pay the $20 for the FG versions. The model # is the same, FG just stamps them and marks them up. Bastards, I guess my frugal ol' man shopping phase has begun.

Lots of my friends from childhood are looking different to me now, most are in the 40 yr club now, a few are migrating into the 50's club this and next year. That hits you pretty hard when you used to know them before they could drink legally. A good part of them have kids and even my aged cousins have kids in college as well as my two year older bro who has 2 in college. A few have only just started families, i guess its a mix, but the ones who started really late, i dunno, its strange to see a kid grad from high school with parents in their 70's.

I lost a few over the past few years too, had my first: They didn't die from an accident or murder death. That was a bit shocking and quite a wake up call.

I become highly irritated by the things people do:

Like in the grocer, its easy to identify people who cant count, they're the ones in front of you in the express lanes, i'm not talking about the immigrants who abuse it and claim no can read, i mean the ones who you know for sure can read, ok well maybe not. 

Found that nothing is more annoying than arguing with someone who knows what he's talking about, damn'd specialized degrees

When your friend or family member eats some food and has that look on their face of, "DAMN that was awful!" then says, "here, try some". The same holds true with the sniff test. It's like, i saw you open the container and your head about ripped off from snapping back so hard and fast, and now you want me to take a wiff? Does this smell bad to you? WTF man?! I dont need direct stimulation like that, i just experienced it vicariously through you, no thanks.

When i use my tire gauge and i let half the air out just trying to get a reading. please someone invent something better, its the 21st century all ready!

And finally, here I was just barely coming to grips with being older than the new James Bond, of which had started me on the path to feeling older, but now, the new Doctor from Dr Who is almost HALF my age. Sumbitch...

Beware, thar be changes ahead arrr:
I am finding many things are changing for me, my job status and position within my clients mainly, I guess my push to be a more proactive partner in their companies is starting to pay off. I am more than just the IT Guru to call when the feces hits the fan, my more preventative plan is being put in place after many many meetings and requests for upgrades and solutions and that has kept me busy outside of my regular channels of [insert cellphone ring here] "hello?"  "HEEEEELLLPP US, ITS A MELTDOWN". I guess being in the OH SHIT end of emergency management for IT has its rewards, keeping busy and when I get paid. I now have fewer clients over all but yet I am busier than ever.  

So what else is new since the last installments: 

1) Younger brother has same type heart attack as Tim Russert, supposedly only 10% survive.. he was in that percentage, BTW he is only 36, life changing event for such a young man 

2) I negotiated some deals and came out smelling pretty good over all, quite happy about that

3) I had to put my A number one special girl down "pepper" after 13 years, man that was a big loss for me, part of my fall down the stairs of life to be sure, I was crushed.  More about this in another post to honor her life. 
Live on Pepper, June 15, 2009

4) Met new people, left behind some old ones

5) I treated myself to a nice super duper laptop, yup its really nice, best laptop under 16" LCD there is at the time. Quad Core I7 cpu, ok, maybe a bit too geeky, but i love that kinda crap. the screen is INCREDIBLE, and with blue ray, well,  porn never looked so good. haha, no really, no, hah! Yes thats the model in the pic, with the bag etc it comes with.

6) I really needed (5) after lightning hit my house and damaged the roof, my ham radios, and most of my PC and musical equipment that was plugged in, (another drop down the stairs of life), sucks to not be able to record anything and now I have to wear headphones all the time since it took out my recording studio monitor speakers. F'n lightning is quite the power, note the burned up metal on the cable modem, everything plugged into it and the router is all DEAD. It even burned up the network wires.
scorched modem

7) I was departnered in SL, at the time couldn't really get in due to loss of PC's so its no wonder it went down like it did. I had been a bit disenchanted with SL itself of late too. So much Drama and the economy is effecting the sims to explore so SL was kinda old hat on some levels. Kinda came outta left field when it happened. I was out of town at the time.
Photo booth 2

8)  Carrying on from above, I got to get out of town a few times, had a super great time there, 1st class flying rocks... learned quite a bit, experienced many new things, worked a lot of hours non the less via remote. Gotta love being able to bill for time away. 

9) Spent Xmas plus 2 weeks away from home, that was an awesome and incredible, even with the new boots I bought that scarred the back of my thighs, yes both of them were cut up from the top lip of the boots, still healing at this time. Again, 1st class ROCKS!!!

10) Rescued a puppy. YAY FOR ME and Mr broken heart from (3) 
OK so that was last week which is really 2010...
<span class= Kai-Anne Samantha chili pepper
She's added quite a spring to my step, usually over the poo in the yard, and she makes me smile incredibly huge! BTW she is quite the chick magnet for you single guys, come to think of it, she even gets the guys too, so single ladies, pay attention.

that's pretty much the meat and potato parts of the later half of 2009

until next time y'all
DaBishop Boulder